Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Girls, say "No" to Dowry

Hi friends,

I always tell my team especially young girls to pray for their wedding and to strictly say no to Dowry. Many girls suspected the thought at first and many parents mocked at me. Wedding without a Dowry, come on.It's not easy, they said so many times.

Dowry is an evil, illegal practice since centuries killing hundreds of women every day and ruining thousands of families. It is a gift demanded by the groom and his family from bride's family to marry a girl. The more the dowry, the more is the man's worth!!! (silly) It will normally be money, gold, gifts to groom's sisters and his family and house hold items. Only if the girls parents agrees to all the demands of the groom's side, the marriage will be fixed.

It is still strong in this modern age and literates, illiterates, villagers or metros, love or arranged marriage, nothing is an exception.
That's why when a boy baby was born, parents will be happy 'coz he will bring Dowry during his marriage and Girls parents will be sad / upset at the time of her birth as they have to pay her a large amount of money. It's a torture. During our marriage, neither Vijay nor my in-laws asked us any Dowry. Our's is an exceptional, glorious wedding. So i always encourage girls to pray about it.

We had three marriages in our team this year, and all are without Dowry. The boys are ready but we've counselled both the parents and they agreed!!!
This month was another Big miracle. we have a sister in our team who was married in her teenage to a very elderly person by her Hindu parents. He divorced her within few months after so much of torture and abuse. After an year of that incident, she was introduced to us, accepted Jesus as her personal Savior, started growing strong in the Lord.

A divorced young woman (also a widow) will never dream about re- marriage. No way. Very, very exceptional and rare. We've convinced her to pray for her wedding, first she rejected then accepted the thought. A very long story. To make it short, recently we saw a match for her. He was an Engineering Post graduate working for a very big company, earning high pay, a very good Christian. But his parents were for dowry, will never allow their son to marry a divorced woman. But we all fasted and prayed for her. God did wonders and miracles began to happen. When we talked, the groom's parents said, we don't want Dowry, no need for gifts, no need for gold, just take care of the wedding that's enough!!! And her elder brother came forward to sponsor the wedding and it was a big celebration on 24th Month!!!! Can't tell you what a big miracle it is!! God will work, God will do Miracles, God will uproot all the strong evil practices, he will give us family and husband who will say No to Dowry. Yes, He did. So thankful to the Lord for hearing our prayers, changing our situations and always ready to help. Thanks for all your faithful prayers.

Love you, always

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